If you landed on this page you have entered into a great space of energy. This page is dedicated to those who know someone in need of encouragement. As the Founder of BRIMI, I realized early that I cannot reach everyone in person with our message. I decided the alternative would be to spread our message through an inspiring letter.
To: Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Sisters, Brothers, Cousins, Godparents, Guardians, Foster Parents, Teachers, Counselors, Pastors, Social Workers, Mentors, Friends or anyone who may know someone that is at their breaking point or nearing it, and may need a word of encouragement….this page is for you.
I am offering to send words of encouragement to those in need. Please send me their contact information and I will send them what I call a “BRIMI Letter of Encouragement.” This letter is intended to help remind them not only of their beauty, but a reminder that they were born with purpose. Through my research, I've read too many stories of young girls leaving this world prior to their time. I feel like they left the world broken and hopeless and unknowing of their amazing worth and potential in life. Some left scarred by the words of others that overshadowed their mind and spirit. They felt that leaving this place was far better than living in it. These stories are heartbreaking to me, therefore I am willing to be a part of the village that encourages them back to HOPE.
Being able to feed encouraging words into someone’s life is an amazing gift of light. I have always benefited from good people speaking “encouragement” over my life, therefore I know the POWER of this and that it can work. I am willing to send letters wherever they need to go…..to homes, schools, churches, offices, emails, or even international. I will send them!
Please complete the information below and in the message section send a brief explanation of what is needed in the area of encouragement (example: low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, bullying, hopelessness, depression, or just needing words of encouragement) and where to send the letter.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a licensed doctor nor profess to be one. I leave that to the professionals. I’m a woman who understands the power of “positive energy” passed on to people. My words will only be words of encouragement to bring some light to a potential dark place on someone’s journey.
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